“She had counselled children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the past.... and now she was discovered to have this herself?” - Bep
I am an inspired pioneer. For instance, I 'founded' a women's centre and a spiritual centre. At 55, I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. Then I started writing my autobiographical novel trilogy De Poort, de Paljas en het Meisje. The cover of volume 2 says: Her artistic versatility and intense(er) love for people spontaneously earned her titles like Night Mayor, Pub Mother and Icon of the Literary Café. Besides studying SPW (social pedagogical work), I am schooled in esotericism, astrology and aura healing.
In the preface to volume 1, my therapist and 'co-author' Els Blijd-Hoogewys wrote: "For a while, Bep Schilder didn't know what to do or feel either, after being diagnosed. She had counselled children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the past.... and now she was discovered to have this herself? Why had she never seen this in herself? Who was she really? Her identity was in shatters. She struggled a lot with this. Slowly, she reshaped her identity, building from those old shards. It became a beautiful, colourful and warm mosaic."
I am proud of the above 'pat on the back'. And I’m proud of surviving many dark 'nights of soul'. And I’m also proud of the result of my efforts to 'color the world a little better', by giving lectures about various aspects of autism and about 'The New Age', among other things.
My tip to people with autism is: Rescue Bach remedies and/or oxytocin with essential oils (see my website) to put you at ease. And meditate.
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