My name is Vera Helleman. I am the founder of the EmotieCoach method, author of, among others, De Emotie Encyclopedie [The Emotion Encyclopedia] and De Kracht van Autisme [The Strength of Autism]. I am committed to a more positive understanding of emotions and autism.
I am happily married, mother of four children and in between all the activities you will often find me on horseback in nature to maintain a balance.
Autism, that's the name of my mother planet. It's my home. It has made me who I am as a person, both in developing my strengths and in dealing consciously with the pitfalls and the world. Autism is everywhere in me and in what I have drawn in and accomplished in life. I see that as a blessing. Life is rich as an autistic. Deep, intense and therefore rich.
I pride myself on always going for my own path, without concessions and for following the integrity of my heart in all my actions. Autism inherent and oh so necessary in this world.
My tip for people with autism: Throw the rules that block you overboard and go for your inner flow! From there the pearls that others overlook will appear, but which you can put out into the world. Because we really need ourselves to bring change in the world.
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